Community support

Development projects financed by IFIs/MDBs do not always bring happiness to host communities, and the latter very often lack the information on these infrastructure projects, the means and expertise to positively influence the conduct of these projects, and to hold promoters and investors accountable when they cause negative impacts on their rights, including the environment.

In this context, LSD provides support to communities in the areas of access to relevant information, capacity building on transparency and accountability policies to help them better understand their rights, support/advice in drafting, filing and following up complaints with the IFIs' Independent Mechanisms, and finally the creation of meeting and dialogue spaces with public and private decision-makers.

Strategy workshop with people affected by the Regional Express Train phase 1 project.

Objectif général: Soutenir la stratégie de défense des droits socio-économiques des PAPs phase 1 du projet TER.

Sendou coal-fired power plant strategy workshop 

Avec les femmes transformatrices de poisson de Khelcom Bargny et le RAPEN.Objectif principal de l’atelier: formuler une stratégie de lutte contre la centrale à charbon.

Bargny: LSD grants a revolving fund of $2450 to women fish processors in khelcom/Bargny.

En marge de la célébration de la Journée Internationale des Droits de Femmes à Marlothie dans le Delta du Saloum, LSD à remis un chèque aux femmes de Bargny pour soutenir leurs activités génératrices de revenus.

Lumière Synergie pour le Développement (LSD, Senegal)
